Hi Gary,
Just received Kotake-San’s octagonal rod and am delighted with it. It is BEAUTIFULLY finished and casts very well; lays out a long, straight line. I would class it as more on the medium side of medium-fast. I wasted about 5 microseconds in getting a favorite 5wt. line on it and my only criticism is that the slide ring is too loose for all my Ross Gunnison reels. I will have to pack out the reel feet. I have a Christian Hörgren fly rod with the same problem. Maybe people outside the USA use different reel foot specs? In any event, not a problem for me. Gorgeous, gorgeous rod……..that’s my Xmas present! I drilled a tiny hole in the tube cap as I believe rods should “breathe”. Very happy and looking forward to the A6F. Also, thanks for the cutouts.